Using the power of automation to improve the performance experience

Automation for modern performance
Let's face it, employees don't turn up to work on a Monday morning, thinking "I'd like to talk about my values and behaviours and how they align with the needs of the organisation." Or, "let's talk about a learning and development plan that I would like to create and commit to for the next 12 months." It's not that these conversations are unimportant, it's simply a matter that employees are often very busy with their day to day job and getting things done that they need to as part of their role. How can HR teams balance this sort of new way of performance, which is about autonomy and trust and empowering employees to own their own performance, against the more traditional approach, which is more curated and sometimes viewed as a compliance process?
The Minimum Baseline
What we're seeing has been really successful in our customer base is organisations defining what the minimum performance baseline experience looks like in their organisation. What do they want to see happening consistently across all members of their team? That might include things like a values or culture discussion, perhaps once a quarter, it might be a goal setting discussion once a year with a monthly check in as to progress towards those goals going forwards, and maybe a career discussion once a year. Once we've got the minimum baseline designed, we can then look to load up those experiences into the Crewmojo platform and ensure that the materials that go out to managers. For example, the career discussion would like to happen on the 1st of June, everybody sees that appear on their dashboard, they can see the agenda that they're going to be talking about, that allows people to get prepared for it.
Value for managers
It also equips managers with the questions to ask in the moment, so they feel confident about having a really positive, forward looking coaching style conversation with their team members, even if they may not have had that experience before. We're able to then automate each of those key moments that relate to that minimum baseline, and HR gets total transparency over whether the conversations have happened. They can easily report and filter on those that haven't and then provide that extra support where needed.
Automating even the ad-hoc
Aside from all of that minimum baseline, we then have these other conversations which can be chosen to take place on an ad-hoc basis. It might be a well-being check-in, a remote working check-in or in some cases maybe an exit interview. All of those conversations can be included in an agenda that can be picked by managers or team members in the moment when they need it most to empower them to have those conversations outside of the minimum baseline set. In summary, automation can make sure that the really important longer term conversations around people's performance and growth and fulfilment, making sure that there is this sense of thriving in the organisation can happen. At the same time not being so restrictive that it stops other conversations, which can be more important at an ad-hoc day to day level as well.
All the EX insights in one podcast
Join Crewmojo's CEO Mark Lewis as he talks with HR leaders on how they tune employee experience to drive amazing outcomes their organisations

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