Say goodbye to
box-ticking performance reviews

The refreshingly human approach to performance reviews. For your team, your leaders and HR.

Tech that's personalized to you, not the other way.

Reviews don't have to be as dry as 3-day old cake. Set up engaging question formats, add in snappy imagery and make your reviews feel... human.

Make it relevant

Take personalisation to a whole new level.

Make it meaningful

Tightly integrated and aligned with your values.

All the touch-points you need and nothing extra

Your performance review experience includes all the ready made touch-points you need. It's so simple & intuitive.

Personalised & guided experiences

Day 1: Welcome to the process

Week 1:  Your choice - prebuilt self review template or yours

Week 2:  Your choice - our downard review templates or yours

Week 4: Automated 1-on-1 with links to your supporting documents

Week 4-6: Automated reports for HR Review

Week 7: Final review packs shared

Performance management made to measure

90% of the work is done for you


Welcome Step

Include diagrams, images, links and customised help to give employees complete guidance on where they are and what they need to do next.



Automated reminders to keep everyone on track - triggered by deadlines, milestones or the completion of other steps. All integrated with your choice of Teams, Slack or email.


Review Templates

Self, peer, upward or manager reviews - all tweakable and brandable to match your mojo. Dynamic too, with auto population of employee goals, skills, company values or other personalised content.


1-on-1 Templates

Explore our library of 1-on-1 meeting templates, then customise to your hearts content. Add new activities, tailor the questions, capture action items, and more.



At the end of the experience, auto-send a survey to uncover areas for improvement and what's working well. Easily modify the experience for the next cycle.


Neatly Integrated

Book 1-on-1's directly into calendars with our realtime Outloook and Google integrations. Include a Zoom or Teams link - so simple even your mum would understand.


No doubt you still have lots of questions. Let's strike a few off. If you've got more questions, contact us!

Can someone change roles during the review period & have an up-to-date review?

Yes, they can. If someone goes on secondment, takes on an acting role or makes a permanent change, their review can be updated or assigned to a new manager.

Can you work with non-traditional review periods?

Yes, we can. You can schedule reviews on an arbitrary date, an employee's anniversary date, or a financial or calendar year. You can spread employee reviews evenly across time periods. Tell us what you need in your demo.

Can we change goals mid-year to refocus the team?

Yes. You are not locked into a set of goals for an entire cycle. Our platform supports the process if you need to change course.

Can a new manager see the review history of an existing employee?

Yes. New managers can see their team members entire performance history. That includes past 1-on-1s, goals and reviews. Simple!

Can we make a change to our template once we have set it up?

Yes. You can easily change your review template, even if you spot a typo after you've launched your review cycle - you won't have to start over!

Can people complete their reviews on a mobile phone?

Yes. We have a fully featured mobile app for iOS and Andriod. Your team can complete their review on any device.

Can you do 360 reviews on the platform?

Yes, you can. The platform can support 360 templates that go to either a group selected by the reviewee or it can be done by creating an automated process to get feedback from the person's team, their managers and peers.

Can two different managers conduct a review ?

Yes, they can. Many of our partners have matrix org structures. We have built a flexible platform so that this situation is simple to manage.

Can different teams have different review templates & timing?

Yes, they can. You can create different review journeys for different employee groups. Ask us about it in your demo.

Explore Crewmojo

The performance platform for for EX-focused companies.