Onboarding: 30 Day Check-In
Template for a check in at the 30 day mark.

About this onboarding template
Wow that went fast - one-month already! It's time to check-in and assess how well your new hire is adapting to their new role and work environment. You can work together to identify any challenges they may be facing and provide them with additional support or resources if needed. Look forward and support your new hire to set goals for the next stage of the onboarding process.
What will your employees expect from their month one onboarding meeting.
A new starter might expect several things from a one-month check-in:
Feedback: The new starter will be expecting to receive feedback on their performance so far. This will give them an idea of how well they are doing and where they might need to improve. As the manager you can also take the opportunity to do an appraisal of how the employee is going.
Goals: The new starter will likely expect to discuss their goals and expectations for the role. This will give them a clear understanding of what is expected of them and how they might progress in the role.
Training: Your new starter might expect to develop a plan for any necessary training or support they need to perform their role effectively. This may include additional training on specific tasks or systems.
Integration: Your new starter is likely to discuss their integration into the team and company culture. This may involve discussing any concerns they have and addressing any issues that have arisen.
Overall, the one-month check-in is an opportunity for the new starter to receive support and feedback, set goals and expectations, and ensure they are integrated well into the team and company culture.
Sample from this template
- I understand the organisation's mission
- I feel like I'm living the organisation's values
- I understand the key goals of the organisation for the year
- I've read about our customer personas
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