The Mantel Group Exit Survey

Gain insight into the reasons for someone leaving & improve your workplace practices.

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About the template

Exit interviews can provide insight into why good employees leave the company. If a pattern emerges of talented employees leaving for similar reasons, it may be indicative of a larger problem that needs to be addressed. For example, if many employees are leaving because they feel undervalued or feel like they are not being given enough opportunity to grow and develop, that is something that the company can address.

How does this survey help HR managers and HR leaders?

Explore the reasons people leave your organisation by starting at the beginning. By understanding the reasons people joined and then delving into the reasons they have left you are able to establish a fuller picture of the reasons people leave. Identify who would be open to returning in the right circumstances and understand how your competitors are attracting your talent. Mantel Group are known as a Great Place to Work. They focus heavily on feedback at all parts of the employee lifecycle . This exit survey completes the picture of employee churn by listening to employees as they are leaving your organisation.

The survey experience

When to use this survey:Just before the exit date.

How to run this survey: This can be conducted as an online survey or as a face to face interview by the HR team.

Sample questions from this survey: 

  • Did you understand our strategy and how your role contributed?
  • What was least satisfying about your role?
  • Do you think you were well equipped to do your job well? If so, how?
  • What type of feedback did you receive and how often?

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